Monday, February 25, 2019

2/25-3/1 Newsletter

2/25-3/1 Newsletter

 Number Word: nine
 They have been- one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,eight, nine

 Sight Word: for
 They have been: do, so, there, here, the, went, go, I, in, said, one, to, white, green, me, red, see, blue, a, yellow, orange, purple, brown, pink, we, and, like, it, -practice as often as possible.

 Word Family: -ut
 They have been -ug,-op, -up, -at, -et,-an, -it, -og, -ig, -all, -ap

 Reading: Street Signs, Look for Wheels, All together Now, Cat, Cat on the Mat

Math: Bunny Addition, Writing numbers to 100, writing date, reviewing number words.

 Theme: President's Day


 ***Spelling Test***
 Our first spelling test is Friday, March 1. Students will be tested on how to spell one, two, three, four, and five. They will also be asked to spell one word from the -ug, -op, -up, and -at word family.

We will have an Easter Egg hunt the third week in April. Traditionally, a parent will host our class at their house. Are there any volunteers???? I know some of you have big yards! This will be during our school day. It will be similar to a field trip where children are driven from school to the house.

Bee City will be our end of year party! We will do it in late May.

 Please keep practicing money at home.

VIP Cole

Monday, February 11, 2019

Newsletter 2/11-2/14

Newsletter 2/11-2/14

 Number Word: eight
 They have been- one, two, three, four, five, six, seven

 Sight Word: so
 They have been: there, here, the, went, go, I, in, said, one, to, white, green, me, red, see, blue, a, yellow, orange, purple, brown, pink, we, and, like, it, -practice as often as possible.

 Word Family: -ug
 They have been -op, -up, -at, -et,-an, -it, -og, -ig, -all, -ap

 Reading: Sing a Song of Sixpence, Checking the Weather, Where is Thumbkin, The Woodcutters Cap, Fan, What Can We Do?

 Math: Counting to 30, Identifying numbers to 30, paying for items to 30 cents, time, addition by listening to a story, Valentine heart chart, 1 more and 1 less.

 Theme: Valentine


 Valentine's Day Party
 We will have a Valentine's Party on Feb. 14 at 1:45.  Students will need a shoe box that they decorate at home. Valentine cards will be placed in this box. When you are signing your valentine cards, please do not put who it's to. That takes too long passing out. Just have your child sign their name so that they can quickly drop a valentine in every shoe box. If you cannot get a shoe box, a decorated paper sack is fine. Yay! If you signed up to bring something, you may bring anytime or on the day of.

No School Friday, Monday, or Tuesday. Go do something fun!

Progress reports to go home Wednesday. If you would like a conference with me, please call the front office to schedule an apt.

V.I.P Emanuel

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Newsletter 2/4-2/8

Newsletter 2/4-2/8

Number Word: Seven
They have been- one, two, three, four, five, six

Sight Word: there
They have been: here, the, went, go, I, in, said, one, to, white,green, me, red, see, blue, a, yellow, orange, purple, brown, pink,we, and, like, it, -practice as often as possible.

Word Family: -ap
They have been -op, -up, -at, -et,-an, -it, -og, -ig, -all

Reading: The Big, Big Box, All to Build a Snowman, Where is Thumbkin, Snowballs, Rainy Day, What Can We Do?

Math: Counting to 30, Identifying numbers to 30, paying for items to 30 cents, measuring length using inches, separating things into equal parts, identifying halves and fourths, photographing,comparing temperature.

Theme: Valentine/100th day


Open House tonight from 6-7 p.m. Come meet your child's teacher next year! Feel free to come to our classroom if you have any questions.

Keep selling chocolate! Final day of on 2/8.

Take home books every Wednesday. They are due back on Fridays with the reading log.

Book Fair Jan 30-Feb. 7

Valentine's Day Party
We will have a Valentine's Party on Feb. 14. More details to come.I'll post a sign up tomorrow. Students will need a shoe box that they decorate at home. Valentine cards will be placed in this box.When you are signing your valentine cards, please do not put who it's to. That takes too long passing out. Just have your child sign their name so that they can quickly drop a valentine in every shoe box. If you cannot get a shoe box, a decorated paper sack is fine.Yay!